My Maiden Run in Beira
December 13, 2019
A Close Shave
It’s Monday morning after Santa run…I am feeling tired and I can hear the rain…a voice beckons ‘ sleep…there will always be another run’.I remember captain’s presentation at Runfit dinner…not sure which part…anyway…, I stealthily get out of bed, not wanting to awaken my house mates.
I hear my roomate say something about the rain and why I shouldnt be running in the rain.This bed has a way of kidnapping me.the good book says I should obey my husband…it also says ‘do not love sleep or you will grow poor’ (proverbs 20 verse something…am half asleep…)should I sleep in?😔 I remember a bit of info from captain’s presentation at the annual dinner…something about Michael Jordan putting in the work…and results coming’…. jeez…, what did he say? I shouldn’t have had the fermented grapes before the presentation🥴…anyway, I reach the gym…I meet Doug and my mazungu friend that I met online..(Doug is dressed like an eskimo…mazungu has a vest and shorts)..is he seeing the sun🧐?…I had convinced him to join us for a run…..told him Africa is safe…infact we even arrested our governor and anyone who tries to mess with him will be taken straight to EACC…(I didn’t give him time to ask too many questions…😉)
Off they went…Kenya (Doug) Vs Canada (mazungu)…I also take off…I meet speed sister Rachael driving to the gym….she hoots… warns me ‘niko nyuma yako’…that can only mean one thing..run sister and best I don’t catch up with you…mimi mbio..🏃🏽♀🏃🏽♀…I decide to change routes…asinipate…I run kayawe then Karozy (these guys named a route after me😘)…then run towards Yaya…a white vitz passes me..next thing….a loud bang! The driver slept…😴🙆🏽…and hit the pavement…car is skidding on two legs…sparks everywhere…he finally lands on 4 wheels…metal and glass all over…as we approach to check on him, he takes off with half the car…thank God he is alive…and no one is hurt…anyway I proceed…
Rachael’s threat back on my mind…how far has she run? I open chest…inde hillwork towards Ford Kenya..there is no blue water…only black water on the road..half of it in my shoes thanks to this probox that figured I didn’t shower . ..I meet Doug and Mazungu heading back to the gym..Kenya Vs Canada going strong…who will win? I ask….I get to Ford Kenya..turn back…I can’t see Rachael…good👍🏽…few minutes later I meet her and Nick…I envy her…Nick has so many stories..you never feel the fatigue coming…should I run with them?
Hapana..nimekimbia zangu….ghafla bin vu! .I meet some dogs…black routwilers…Jesus…I thought I prayed before the run?….ama nilisahau🍯…(i should have gone to church Jana🙃)…where is the owner?…wooiiii…I feel like peeing..where are the Chinese? Am sure these peeps would make some good dinner…..the owner shows up…Thank God…this run is cursed! It’s a sign I should just go back to Heron….again, captain’s presentation comes back to the head…something about persistence…waaa…those grapes…I promise to take tea next time…a few minutes later am at EACC…is Sonko in there?..why was he screeming during his arrest? Ama someone touched some things..🥎🥎😏 .’ weee madam…pita huko’…it’s a cop…I don’t want any trouble…glad to see the hotel…keep safe guys…