April 15, 2017

Virgin Money London Marathon Count Down

Second week of taper. This week, I reduce my mileage to 60 % from 100+ kms a week to about 60kms whilst maintaining the same training routine.Tempo run today-Tempo runs increase the body’s lactate threshold, or “LT.” which is the point at which lactic acid begins to accumulate in muscles.
April 7, 2017

Virgin money london marathon count down – Training Tip

This week,I reduce my mileage by 80% from 100+ kms a week to about 80kms and increase speed training Tapering means reducing the volume of weekly training mileage during the final three weeks leading up to the marathon. Tapering corrects the accumulated wear and tear of training, helps in replenishing the glycogen stores in the muscles and liver and bolsters the immune system. It is critical for reaching the start line in peak fitness and maximal energy levels.
April 7, 2017

The final training phase of the virgin money London marathon 2017

20 days from today,on the 23rd of April,together with a number of recreational running friends I, will be taking part in the 36th edition of Virgin Money London Marathon. (London Marathon is part of the Abbott world Marathons-Tempo run today-Tempo runs increase the body’s lactate threshold, or “LT.” which is the point at which lactic acid begins to accumulate in muscles.