Raych Running Diaries: START
Start. Just start. You have a dream. A desire. Every now and then it nudges you on but you’ve got excuses. “Good” excuses. If we just tried getting beyond those reasons rather excuses. What’s that thing you’ve wanted to do but you always get a reason not to.
Cant run in the morning? Try evening. The traffic is bad, won’t get to Karura in good time. Sure. Try running around your work place, carry a change of clothes, go shower at home. Nothing wrong with not giving a ride to your pal for a day or two, unless ofcause they can stand your sweaty smell and runners’ high chit chat. They may love it and join you at it. Am too heavy cant run fast. Easy.
Walk. Just one foot infront of the other. I hate running. Okay, think about the results and you will love it. So worth it! Am too old to run. Shush right there. Have you seen those grey haired divas running in a swag early dawn, in hot pink sleeveless tops and matching flowered tights? In my little wisdom i once tried chasing one….shock on me..watched her backside disappear on the horizon..next time we met at the breakfast table..me beaten…her smiling through her glassy eyes…”slowly daughter, you’ll get there”. She’s the age of my sweet mama, Maria. can also try other stuff, swim, play tennis, play golf, or even american football, just be careful about that “youtube” coach. Just get moving.
Can’t go back to school. Am too old for that. Really? Kimani Ng’ang’a Maruge, went back to school at 84 years! You ain’t 84years yet. Are you? And guess what, he holds the Guinness World Record for being the oldest person to start primary school! Now that’s something. Fine, we may not get in the guinness world record…or the nobel prize…but it sure keeps your life story exciting and alive chasing something.
Can’t start my side hustle. Am not wired to run a business. Wires are for connecting power, they dont even use them for telcons anymore let alone for humans. It’s a wireless world! Another excuse! No one is born wired for anything. They just start and get on with it…faking it if you must till you make it. Have you even tried? Will you one day regret you didn’t do it.
So whatever you imagine, doesnt have to be big. It just needs to be “your thing”. That thing that gets your juices flowing. You dream it, you imagine it. You desire it. You envy others who’ve done it and desire their status. Whichever way it turns out, take the risk, you may just be surprised of what lays beneath you.
That nudge….. is a force within yourself looking for an exit. It wakes you up at night! A constant reminder of what you need to do. Push on no matter how tough. It’s your thing. You want it so bad isn’t it. Recall a point when you had to push long and hard. Awww…goose pimples…twitches….The after feeling out of this world! The fulfilment beyond imagination. The journey: unimaginable. Fast forward: You did it! You tried! You learnt your Lessons! Self discovery!
Have an action year. Have fun while at it…Am victim. I worry…sometimes alot. I have a lot of what “ifs”. The journey to the galaxy! I desire.
Happy new year from Raych running diaries!