Marathon Training Tips-New York Marathon 2017 (Race date 05/11/17)
November 3, 2017
Safety tips and How to avoid injuries
March 6, 2018
Here are tips that may help kick start your running.
- 1. Set a start date and find a route
- 2. Set goals that are within sight
- 3. Get a training plan
- 4. Don’t think. Do!
- 5. Enter a race
- 6. Keep a log
- 7. Try something new
- 8. Join a running club
- 9. Listen to your body
Kick Starting Your Running In The New Year 2018
Coming out of a season of festivities with minimal or no training over the period can be challenging. The same may be the case for those wishing to start running in the New Year.
1.Set a start date and find a route
Set a date for when you want to kick off your training. Party time is over. For the route, first step is to decide what one wants in a running route, how much mileage or time one intends to cover each run and how many days in a week the runs will be. When starting out, one is best of with a route with only a few elevation gains if any. There may be also the preference of trails, pavement or treadmill. You may also benefit from routes set by others around you or you can map out your own. The routes and run timings should be convenient. Avoid areas with too much traffic due to risk of accidents and too much pollution. The route should be safe in terms of, animals, and potholes, not too isolated and should be well lit if running too early or a bit late.
2) Set goals that are within sight
If you want to run a marathon this year, that’s a great goal to have, but don’t set that as your only goal. Set smaller goals, and sign up for other build-up races to keep the fire burning and your competitive spirit alive.It will improve your preparation for the big day, both mentally and physically, because you’ve “been there, done that.”
3.Get a training plan.
A training plan in running is very important. It keeps you focused and also helps you to see the entire roadmap to your race or training helping to plan accordingly. Factors to consider when selecting a plan are
Choose a plan that aligns with your fitness level. Assess where you are at fitness wise and take a plan that starts you off at that level
Make sure it fits into your schedule. If you only have time to run three days per week, don’t choose a plan that schedules five morning runs per week
Mix it up. A smart plan includes at least one strength training session, cross training, and one to three rest days per week. If you know you need to work on getting stronger, choose a plan that includes at least two days of strength training.
Be aware of “get fit fast“ programs. “The plan should build up conservatively,” A typical marathon training plan lasts 16 to 20 weeks, while half-marathon plans are 10 to 12 weeks in length. “Shorter training plans (eight weeks or less) can put you at risk for injury
Do your homework. Look for positive reviews and how many people have used it, or talk to friends who have reached their own goals with a particular plan.
Scale up gradually. Don’t increase intensity suddenly. The rule is increase 10-20% of weekly mileage when ready to, keep it there for a few weeks for the body to adjust and only scale up when the body has adapted.
4) Don’t think. Do!
You’ve thought about it, talked about it, even bought the new shoes and ‘high-visibility’ outfit. Now it’s time to set the alarm early in the morning or whatever time works for you and get out and run,
5) Enter a race
Having a goal is the perfect motivation to kick start your running in the new year.It keeps you focused and disciplined giving you the boost you need to get out of the door.lf practical, slot all the races you intend to do in the year to assist in planning for build up, rest and recovery time to reduce chances of injury.
6) Keep a log.
Keeping a daily log of your runs can be a valuable source of feedback as your training progresses, allowing you to reevaluate and make adjustments. There are different gadgets available to keep a log-see http://davidthuo.com/product-category/accessories/.One can in addition have a designated notebook or a training journal and log the distance of your run, duration, how you felt and the conditions. Keeping a detailed log of the factors affecting your run can help you troubleshoot any issues as they arise.
7) Try something new
Add spice into your fitness routine with an entirely different route,, different training activity eg hill training, speed training, tempo runs, strength training. aerobics etc. Expert advice also shows that mixing up your fitness routine can help to develop your cardiovascular fitness while giving your body some respite from running.
8) Join a running club
From making new running buddies, to finally beating that PB, a running club is the perfect place to hone your skills. It’s a very natural thing on a number of occasions to roll over and go back to bed if its only you in a run. Joining a group whether on every run or occasional runs say weekend or once a month helps in the following.
Running improvements
Personalized advise
There is however an intimidation feeling when starting off because of feeling slow or fear of being last but this quickly fades off.
9) Listen to your body
If you’re on the comeback trail, your body is going to be getting messages it hasn’t dealt with in a long time – soreness, fatigue and injury are all part of the training cycle. But it’s how we manage these warning signals that makes the difference. Use common sense and listen to your body, and don’t push it.