Shoes – A critical part of running
August 18, 2017
The Standard Chartered Marathon 2017-Muscle Care Tips
September 22, 2017
“Marathon training-why you should start early”
A few weeks/days before a big race takes place, many people take to the roads or gyms to train for the race. This is the opposite of what training programs call for. The weeks before a race are meant to reduce the mileage covered per week. A marathon-training program takes around 10 weeks plus or minus.Keep it here for daily training tips.
Reasons we should start training early
Tip 1 Go through the aches
Starting early gives the body time to adjust to the aches that come with exposing the muscles to stress beyond what they are accustomed to and still have enough time after this phase to do intense training
Tip 2 Build mileage
Starting early gives enough time to slowly build up mileage without the risk of injury. There is a relationship between mileage run in a week and the marathon finish time http://www.runnersworld.com/run-the-numbers/runners-with-more-training-miles-finish-marathons-faster. The higher the mileage(up to a certain level based on the individual) the shorter the time it takes to run a marathon. Building this mileage too fast increases the risk of injury.
Tip 3 Ample brain conditioning
Starting early gives enough time for the brain to also condition to the workout routine.When you stick with a routine for more than a few weeks,the brain conditions and working out becomes a habit. It forges new neurological pathways that help muscles repeat movements they’ve performed before. Your body’s ability to remember and repeat movements is called “muscle memory.”
Tip 4 Periodization
Starting early gives ample time for your training plan (see attached training plans) to progress through phases in order to optimally prepare you for your specific goal race. To maintain peak marathon or half marathon shape year round you have to put in weeks of hard work that plays to your strengths, works on your weaknesses, and improves your specific endurance.
Tip 5 Taper
Starting early gives you enough time to taper (Tapering means reducing the volume of your weekly training mileage during the final two to three weeks leading up to the marathon). Tapering corrects the accumulated wear and tear of training, helps in replenishing the glycogen stores in the muscles and liver and bolsters the immune system. It is critical for reaching the start line in peak fitness and maximal energy levels.
6. Running gear
A) Correct running shoes and attires
Correct running shoes are a very important part of the running journey. Not only does the right shoe lessen the impact of your step and cushion your feet from the heavy landing, they are also very key in preventing some common running injuries.
New shoes should be phased into the running routine gradually to get the feet used to the shoes. An example is by using them on the shorter runs then eventually introducing them to the long runs.
Correct running attire keeps athletes comfortable and is designed with material that pulls (referred to as wicking) sweat from the body. Some examples are synthetic and polyester. Materials like Cotton on the hand hold sweat and become heavy causing friction leading to blisters and they make one cold and miserable. A good fit is also important.
B) Establishing running route
First step is to decide what one wants in a running route and how much mileage or time one intends to cover each run and how many days in a week the runs will be.3 days well spaced out work well. When starting out, one is best off with a route with only a few elevation gains if any. There may be also the preference of trails, pavement or treadmill.
Once a decision is made, you can then set out to look for routes. You may benefit from routes set by others around you or you can map out your own. The routes and run timings should be convenient. Avoid areas with too much traffic due to risk of accidents and too much pollution. The route should be safe in terms of, animals, and potholes, not too isolated and should be well lit if running too early or a bit late.
C) The actual running
It is important that the initial runs be a combination of runs and walks so that the body gets used gradually to avoid the risk of injury. Carry some water for hydration and inform someone of the route you shall be taking on the run. Warm up slowly, have a device to track the distance and start a log, which aids in tracking progress. Always have some identification on with a contact of a next of kin in the event that you get into an incident or accident http://davidthuo.com/product/safety-id-adult-david-thuo-fitness-kenya/.
Avoid having earphones in your years so that you can have an all time situational awareness of your surroundings
D) keeping the runs going-advantages of joining a group
It’s a very natural thing on a number of occasions to roll over and go back to bed if its only you in a run. Joining a group whether on every run or occasional runs say weekend or once a month helps in the following
Running improvements
Personalized advise
There is however an intimidation feeling when starting off because of feeling slow or fear of being last but this quickly fades off.