Adopt A Family Update. 09 June 2020
June 9, 2020
Adopt A Family Update. 11th and 12th june 2020
June 13, 2020
Adopt A Family Update.11 June 2020 Kibera, Kitengela
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give”. Winston Churchill.

We continue to thank you all for your generosity. It’s been truly humbling as the “Adopt a family” Some of the real experiences among these families that continue to touch and humble us are:
For as little rent of 1000shs, someone is kicked out of their house together with little children because it’s too much for them to raise.
Rent arrears piling up, living in worry not sure of how long their landlord will cope up with their lack of money, coupled with little hope of getting any casual job during these pandemic time.
Hunger, lack of food surviving on a basic meal shared among a large household.
Heightened Struggles with terminally ill and disabled family members that continue to need extra care and needs.
A total of Shs 539,251 Kshs has been raised in the now completed charity funds drive that ran in the month of May and culminated with the Kahara Marathon on 1st June 2020(Madaraka day).
The Adopt a Family support continues in June utilising the funds to support the families. These funds have been used to pay rent for some and bless them with an “Adopt a Family” food pack. The pack contains food stuffs to serve the families with a decent family meal for several days.
The Adopt a Family food pack contains
Unga 5 packets
Rice 5 kgs
Beans 7 packets
Dengu 6 packets
Cooking oil 2 kgs

On Monday 8th we managed to support 6 more families.
Yesterday Thursday 11/06/2020
The Adopt A Family team spent the day in Kibera, Mukuru and Kitengela. We managed to support 14 additional families bringing our tally to 26
Jane Juma

Jane is a 28year old lady living in Kitengela. She was involved in an accident in 2012, which injured her spine and left her paralyzed. She also had a colon surgery and uses a colostomy bag. She has been depending on neighbors and well-wishers for daily needs but since Covid 19 struck the help has almost stopped because the well-wishers and friends are also struggling. A good Samaritan pays her rent and is in arrears for 2 months but the good Samaritan and landlady have some understanding. She will clear soon.The Adopt a Family team visited her and gave her an Adopt a Family food pack
Florence Mbaganza

Florence is a widow and mother of four living with HIV. One of her kids has cerebral palsy .She was working in EPZ but stopped in October 2020 when she got TB .She now sells paraffin and some charcoal but the income is not enough to cater for her needs so she used to supplement it with menial jobs which are now not forth coming due to the concerns of Covid 19. She struggles to pay the reduced rent of 1k per month. This month of June is in arrears.The Adopt a Family team visited her and gave her an Adopt a Family food pack and is reviewing the rent issue.
Irene Chepkoech

Irene is a 30year old single mother of 5 and depends on casual jobs which are not easy coming nowadays due to Covid 19. She is lives with two of her young ones in a construction site house because she can’t afford rent. The other three kids live with her husband who they separated and he remarried.
Fidelis Luvoa

Fidelis is the grandmother to 4 children and also a caregiver of one of them who is disabled.The kids mum passed on a while ago. Fidelis used to sell maize and vegetables but the business was adversely affected by the Covid 19 pandemic and she has been struggling to meet her basic needs especially food and rent.The Adopt a Family team visited her and gave the family an Adopt a family food pack.
Beatrice Musimbi Sava

Beatrice lives with her husband, daughter and granddaughter Ashley in a one room house in Kibera.The 10 year old grand daughter has cerebral Palsy .Beatrice is the caregiver. Her daughter Emily who is Ashleys mum depends on menial jobs to take care of the family and due to Covid 19, these jobs have been rare. The family has been struggling to get food and pay rent. The Adopt a Family team visited them and gave them an Adopt a family food pack.
Esther Akinyi

Esther is a widow living with her 4 children in Kibera. She used to work as a cook in a private school, but this was closed due to the Covid 19 rendering her jobless. The Adopt a Family team visited her and gave an Adopt a Family food pack.
John Otieno Ochola

John is a father of 3 children. He is a Mason and used to work in the construction industry, but this has not been possible since the Covid 19 Pandemic. The wife used to work in local food kiosk, but this is no longer working due to the Pandemic. The Adopt a Family team visited her and gave an Adopt a Family food pack.
Rodgers Ondiek

Rogers is a father of 2 children. He used to work in a private school but this is no longer possible since the Covid 19 Pandemic. The Adopt a Family team visited her and gave an Adopt a Family food pack.