“Adopt A Family” Charity. First three weeks impact
May 18, 2020
Adopt A Family Update.11 June 2020 Kibera, Kitengela
June 12, 2020
Adopt A Family Update. 09 June 2020
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give”..Winston Churchill.
We want to thank all those who have given generously to this initiative.Its been trully humbling as the “Adopt a family” charity team and well wishers continue to interact with suffering families.
In the first 3 weeks,the initiative was able to support 6 families
(https://davidthuo.com/adopt-a-family-charity-first-three-weeks-impact/ )
The Adopt a Family support continues in June utilising the funds raised in the now completed charity funds drive that ran in the month of May and culminated with the Kahara Marathon on 1st June 2020(Madaraka day)
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1041723836225120&id=270300806700764Pledged amounts are being collected and an update of the final collection will follow in the week.The initiative has been giving out an Adopt a Family food pack and paying rent arrears for some of the families.
The Adopt a Family food pack contains
Unga 5 packets
Rice 5 kgs
Beans 7 packets
Dengu 6 packets
Cooking oil 2 kgs

Monday 08/06/2020
The Adopt A Family team spent the day in Kajiado County in the areas of Bulbul, Matasia and Kiserian. We managed to support 6 additional families bringing our tally to 12.

This family consists of 10 children and 2 adults. Sarah and her husband who depend on any kind of menial jobs have been finding it difficult to provide for the children because of lack of jobs occasioned by the Covid 19 Pandemic. The 10 children include orphans who were left behind when their parents passed away. Sarah is also sickly and is in out of hospital. Because of the size of the family,this family received 2 packs of the Adopt a Family food pack which should last them a month.

Wambui is a 66-year-old lady living in Bulbul village. She has been left with 4 grandchildren after their parents passed on . Her youngest grandchild is 6 months old. She has been depending on well wishers and neighbours to get food but with the Covid 19 Pandemic,this support has not been forthcoming because the supporters are also struggling.

Grace is a young lady in Bulbul who has been living positively with HIV since 2008. She is a mother to 2 children both under 5 years. Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, it has been hard for her to get any casual jobs. She has therefore been struggling to feed her children.She received an Adopt a Family food pack and she was given a talk to encourage her and tips on how best to protect themselves from COVID 19.

Mary is an elderly lady who is 103 years old and lives with her daughter of 68 years old in a tiny rented single room at the Vet area. They depend on very easy menial labour and well wishers for their livelihoods. Their vulnerability to the Covid 19 Pandemic due to their advanced age means they cant venture out there to do any jobs and are therefore currently totally dependent on wellwishers.Their rent is 1500 Kshs and is in arrears from May. The Team is deliberating on how to assist.

The Late Hannah’s family had been identified for assistance by the Adopt a Family but she passed on 5th June 2020.She had been having health complications for the last 2 years. She has left behind 4 children and one grandchild. The oldest child who is a girl is 17 years old and a mother to a 1-year-old baby. The Late Hannah was the sole breadwinner, despite her ill health. She would do menial jobs but had to stop when the Pandemic started due to her Vulnerability. The family has been sleeping hungry even as plans are underway to lay to rest their mother.

Purity is a young lady living in Kiserian with her 2 kids and 2 siblings. She quit her job back in November 2019 to nurse her ailing father who had just been diagnosed with a stroke.She would do menial jobs as well to sustain her and the dad. During the time she was nursing her father, she began to go blind. Unfortunately, two weeks ago her father passed on.
Her mother has since come from the village and joined them.The number of people in the house is now 8 ( 6 children and 2 adults). The mother is also frail. Njeri, on the other hand, being partially blind is limited in the number of jobs she can do.
The family got an Adopt a Family food pack with additional maize flour.
Their rent is 1000 shs and is in arrears that date back to November 2019 when their Late father got sick totaling to 8000shs. The team is deliberating on how to assist We are also going to visit other families in the days to come and shall keep updating.