Adopt A Family Update. 11th and 12th june 2020
June 13, 2020
Adopt A Family Update. 18th and 19th June 2020 Kangemi & Mlogongo
June 20, 2020
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give”… Winston Churchill.

We continue to thank you all for your generosity. It’s been truly humbling as the “Adopt a family”
Some of the real experiences among these families that continue to touch and humble us are:
For as little rent of 1000shs, someone is kicked out of their house together with little children because it’s too much for them to raise.
Rent arrears piling up, living in worry not sure of how long their landlord will cope up with their lack of money, coupled with little hope of getting any casual job during these pandemic time.
Hunger, lack of food surviving on a basic meal shared among a large household.
Heightened Struggles with terminally ill and disabled family members that continue to need extra care and needs.
A total of Shs 539,251Kshs has been raised in the now completed charity funds drive that ran in the month of May and culminated with the Kahara Marathon on 1st June 2020(Madaraka day).
The Adopt a Family support continues in June utilising the funds to support the families. These funds have been used to pay rent for some and bless them with an “Adopt a Family” food pack. The pack contains food stuffs to serve the families with a decent family meal for several days.
The Adopt a Family food pack contains
Unga 5 packets
Rice 5 kgs
Beans 7 packets
Dengu 6 packets
Cooking oil 2 kgs

So far the family has been able to support 44 families in the areas of Kitengela, Limuru, Kiserian, Mukuru, Kibera, Mombasa, Kawangware and Dagoretti and Mathare.

Dani is an elderly and partially blind lady. She lost four of her kids and now lives with her 11 grandchildren in a single shanty room. Her immediate need is food. Her monthly rent is Kshs 1,500. The Adopt a Family team Visited the family and gave the the Adopt a Family food pack. The team is deliberating about support for rent.

Mariamu is an elderly woman who is unable to walk and has high blood pressure. She also takes care of her grandchildren, yet she is jobless. Her immediate need is food. Her monthly rent is Kshs 2,000. The Adopt a Family team Visited the family and gave the the Adopt a Family food pack. The team is deliberating about support for rent.
Mama Mogore

Mama Mogore is elderly woman who has stage four breast cancer and is bedridden and is entirely dependent on her neighbors. The cancer has created a fresh wound around her chest area and her left arm is swollen. Her immediate needs are medicine and food. Her monthly rent is Ksh 3,000. The Adopt a Family team Visited the family and gave the the Adopt a Family food pack. The team is deliberating about support for rent.
Rosslyn Atieno
She has been bedridden for the past 6 months and she is a single mum. She used to do house work but now she is unable to do that. Her sisters have been trying to take care of her and the children but they are really struggling. Her immediate needs are food, medication and hospital visits. Her monthly rent is Kshs. 2,000. The Adopt a Family team Visited the family and gave the the Adopt a Family food pack. The team is deliberating about support for rent.
Mama Sam

Mama Sam had a tumor in her head that was removed surgically but her brain was affected during the operation. This left her partially immobile and bedridden. Her husband, who takes care of her, and used to do casual work is unable to work due to the COVID19 situation. Her immediate needs are food, medication and doctor’s consultation fees (the doctor needs to visit her in her house since she can’t be able to go to hospital due to her immobility). Her monthly rent is Kshs. 2,000.
Judy Waithera

Judy had both her legs amputated and she is the sole breadwinner for her 3 children. One child lives with her sister and the eldest is in her rural home. She lives with her 3year old child. Her condition didn’t allow her to work and she used to beg for money in town. Her immediate need is food and rent, which she has arrears. Her monthly rent is Kshs. 2,000.The Adopt a Family team Visited the family and gave the the Adopt a Family food pack. The team is deliberating about support for rent.