Adopt A Family Update. 13th June 2020 Mathare
June 15, 2020
Adopt A Family Update.18th/ 19th June 2020 Kangemi And Mlolongo.
We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give
We continue to thank you all for your generosity. It’s been truly humbling as the “Adopt a family” Some of the real experiences among these families that continue to touch and humble us are
For as little rent of 1000shs, someone is kicked out of their house together with little children because it’s too much for them to raise.
Rent arrears piling up, living in worry not sure of how long their landlord will cope up with their lack of money, coupled with little hope of getting any casual job during these pandemic times.
Hunger, lack of food surviving on a basic meal shared among a large household.
Heightened Struggles with terminally ill and disabled family members that continue to need extra care and needs.
A total of Shs 539,251Kshs has been raised in the now completed charity funds drive that ran in the month of May and culminated with the Kahara Marathon on 1st June 2020(Madaraka day).
The Adopt a Family support continues in June utilising the funds to support the families. These funds have been used to pay rent for some and bless them with an “Adopt a Family” food pack. The pack contains food stuffs to serve the families with a decent family meal for several days.
The Adopt a Family food pack contains
Unga 5 packets
Rice 5 kgs
Beans 7 packets
Dengu 6 packets
Cooking oil 2 kgs
So far the Adopt a family initiative has been able to support 51 families in the areas of Kitengela, Limuru ,Kiserian, Mukuru, Kibera, Mombasa, Kawangware, Dagoretti, Mathare, Kangemi and Mlolongo.
(visits done by Joyce Nduku and Loice Mbogo )
Gideon Ongaya and Linet Nyangasi
Location: Kibagare Slums in Kangemi

Gideon used work as a casual worker but stopped due to Covid 19. When the work stopped, he started riding Boda boda but got into an accident and is now out of work. He has two kids aged 3 and 1 year old. He stays with sister's kids aged 5 and 4 years. The needs are food and support for rent of 2500 Kshs per month which is in arrears for 2 months. The Adopt a Family team visited them and gave them an Adopt a Family food pack and there will be discussions regarding rent support.
Caroline Amoit
Location: Kibagare Slums in Kangemi

Caroline is a single mother with three kids aged 6 years, 4 years and last one 3 months. She used to work as a househelp in Westlands to earn a living but is now out of job due to Covid 19. Her rent of 1800 per month is 3 months in arrears. The Adopt a Family team visited them and gave them an Adopt a Family food pack and there will be discussions regarding rent support.
Millicent Atamba
Location: Kaptagat Slums in Kangemi

Millicent is a single mother of three kids aged 10, 9 and 2 years and also stays with her two brothers aged 17 and 18 years. She used to work as a cleaner at an Events company but this came to an end due to Covid 19. Because of the burden of taking care of 6 people, she had decided to join sex workers to support the family but the community came in handy to support her. Her rent of 2500 Kshs is 3 months in arrears. The Adopt a Family team visited them and gave them an Adopt a Family food pack and there will be discussions regarding rent support.
Caroline Isutza
Location: Bottom line Slums in Kangemi
Caroline is a single mother and has been suffering from High blood pressure. She had gone to hospital at the time of the visit. She has four kids aged 18, 16, 15 and 9 years. She used to work as a househelp in Westlands but stopped due to Corona virus. Her rent, electricity and water are in arrears of 5200 over the last 3 months. The Adopt a Family team visited them and gave them an Adopt a Family food pack and there will be discussions regarding rent support.
Lilian Kahule
Location: Bottom line Slums in Kangemi

Lilian has 3 kids aged 17,11 and 9years. She used to work as a house-help in Kyuna but stopped due to Corona virus. Her house rent bill has been cleared by her former boss, the Adopt a Family team visited them and gave them an Adopt a Family food pack.
Emily Achieng
Location:Slum in the Dam area

Emily has three kids aged 12, 10, 7 and 4 years. She also stays with a step daughter aged 15. She is married and the husband used to work as a casual labourer in a construction company. The Adopt a Family team visited them and gave them an Adopt a Family food pack and there will be discussions regarding rent support.
Pauline Ndanu
Location: Mlolongo
Pauline is a mother of a 5 and a half year old girl and was working as a casual worker in a construction firm. Her employment stopped after Covid 19 started. She has not paid her rent of 2500 Kshs since April and the land lord is almost rendering her homeless. The Adopt a Family team visited them and gave them an Adopt a Family food pack and there will be discussions regarding rent support.